Network Security Infrastructure

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Network Security Infrastructure

“Cybercrime is the greatest threat to every company in the world.” a quote by Ginni Rometty, IBM’s executive chairman, and previous CEO. So why do so many companies wait until they have been breached to implement any sort of security infrastructure? The answer is money. If you do not pay now you will pay with more than just money, you will also pay with your brand and you will pay with your Personally Identifiable Information and you can even have to pay fines. So how do you keep your infrastructure secure? Implement a security fabric around the perimeter of your network, add protection on a device level and make sure you are regularly checking your applications for vulnerabilities.

The perimeter of your network is the most important security you can have. This is the front door of your house and the way everyone comes and goes within the network, secure it! The best way is to get a next generation firewall. This is your typical firewall but with more capabilities beyond your typical port/protocol inspection firewalls. These firewalls include things such as deep packet inspection, intrusion prevention systems, intrusion detection systems and application-level inspections to maintain security all from the perimeter of your network infrastructure.

If the perimeter is the front door, endpoints are your bedroom and antivirus is the lock on your bedroom door. If you don’t have protection people will come in and out without your consent or knowledge, potentially compromising your whole companies’ network. The best way to secure your device is to get a next generation Endpoint protection (EPP) with EDR/RDR capabilities. These are machine learning algorithms that integrate with the appropriate EPP to detect and proactively stop threats as they occur. These capabilities will help increase your infrastructures security at a device level and make sure you remain secure with the latest repositories to check against all files you run.

Lastly is application security. This is the process of scanning your internal applications for vulnerabilities and patching them accordingly. There is a plethora of tools out there to scan for application vulnerabilities and a lot of them do a really good job. You need to make sure your apps are up to date with the latest and greatest versions to ensure security and functionality. When applications have updates it is usually for one of two reasons. They are coming out with enhancements or they are fixing an exploitable vulnerability within the application.

When push comes to shove, cybercrime is the greatest threat to every company in the world. If you do not secure your perimeter, endpoints, or applications your chance to become the lowest hanging fruit increases greatly. If you are on the edge of implementing a network security infrastructure, this is your sign to ACT NOW. Don’t be another statistic! Contact DefendEdge to discuss how you can remain secure in the ever changing threat landscape.